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As experts in management and leadership, our conferences are always adjusted according to the key messages that the company wants to convey with its workers, partners or clients.

A few possible themes:

  • Receiving and speeding-up change in a positive and creative way
  • Turning vision and organization into concrete results
  • Developing motivating forces
  • Galvanizing team building
  • Managerial common sense
  • Maximizing leadership
  • Charisma and leadership
  • Coaching: an asset for change
  • And any made-to-measure theme linked to motivation and leadership…

As the author of several articles focused on leadership, development of organizations or management, he has been interviewed and quoted on many occasions, in both the economic press and professional websites such as Management, L’expansion Management Review, Le MOCI, Agefi hebdo, IndiceRH, Envie d’entreprendre…

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