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Leadership formation

Training executives, managers and CEOs to management and leadership

“We start where others stop”

Acteo Consulting trains executives, executive managers and sales representatives to be good leaders, managers and negociators. We create, develop and host tailor-made seminars oriented on action and results. They are designed in the form of a “team coaching”. We guarantee not only a constant link with reality, but also lasting changes in the way of thinking and acting. Each participant goes through a strict process of reflexion, action, feedback, implementation and follow-up.

An original, practical and operational approach

A concrete training, based on situational exercises and case studies

  • Goal: encouraging change in behavior
    • An approach that links:
      • Sequential advantages
      • Stregtheneing and personal development
      • Co-workers rise above and become both actors and observants of the best comunication and efficiency practices
    • With this approach, you can associate the necessity to take a step back
      • By capitalizing on your key strengths in order to develop a maturity, and by correcting your weak spots
      • By observing attitudes and behaviors in future circumstances
    • With the concrete aspects of group interviews
      • By working on real cases
      • By capitalizing on the benefits of concrete situational exercises

Our job is to involve you and to manage to really reconsider your practices.

  • a powerful, basic theorical contribution
  • groupe exercises,
  • brainstorming workshops in order to rise above,
  • individual briefing interviews,
  • concrete written encouragements: PAP

Throughout the day, we alternate our methods and trainings thanks to different situational exercises.

During all of our hostings, we distribute implementation helping tools such as “memento” cards, Focus review cards and Focus files.

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