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Who we are ?

For over 10 years, Acteo Consulting has been specialized in speeding-up change. It is a renowned actor in developing executive and CEO skills, with its 4 action axes: counselling, training to good practices, individual and team coaching, as well as conferences. Our consultants speak in France and abroad in front of management committees of national and multinational companies.

As a real actor of change in companies, we allow them, as well as each one of its workers, to reach a higher level of growth.

Our consultants are all seniors and behavior experts. They have a 10-year experience in guiding companies and they all used to have a management position with a PNL management. They were all trained in the most prestigious behavioral analysis and counselling schools, and they are all experts in Process Communication Management (Copyright Khaler Communication International) and Neuro Linguistics Programming. They also followed training programs either at International Mozaik or HEC. We also act as expert consultants with international engineering and business schools.

We intervene in three languages and act with a very concrete methodology focused on the notion of operational. Our assignments are unique, original and focused on the company. Our assignments have lead us to the following countries: Germany, Turkey, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, England, the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, Morocco…

The 4S methodology, original and trademarked by Acteo Consulting, allows us to develop efficient and lasting actions for change.

Our adjustable mirror effect tools allow managers to progress: 360° Acteo tools, Acteo assertivity test, PCM personality inventory (KCF certified), Leadership positioning questionnaire….

We develop concrete actions in partnership with our clients:

  • Speeding-up change during a merger between the French leader and the world leader: co-workers motivation and commitment
  • Strengthening the new company and determining a strategy during an international group Spin off
  • Determining the culture and values of the company in order to encourage motivation and develop the nothion of withholding the company’s talents
  • Over 7-year long partnerships for the skill improvement of the company’s actors, thanks to a certifying leadership program
  • Training the company’s executives and managers to management and leadership
  • Training sales representatives and sellers to sales, negociation and complex sales
  • Multicultural company mergers in the Asia-Pacific region.
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