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We advise an develop

Redefining a strategy in order to focus the entire company, leaders and managers on a common vision.

Contributing and allowing all co-workers to  take part in the company projects, through its values.

Giving strategical advice in change speed-up, defining the company’s values and culture. You are looking for a trustworthy partner to help you take your company’s growth to the next level.
We can establish a diagnosis of your organization, recommend ways to increase performances, and proceed. Diagnosing is a way for us to maximize a return on investment, but it is not an end in itself. Our goal is to give your organization tools so we can “run beside you, but not for you”.

  • Sharing the same goal, the same vision
  • Redefining the company’s strategy
  • Distributing roles and levels of responsabilities to each individual
  • Settling a strong culture, based on predefined values
    • How to settle values and keep them alive?
    • What are the principles and rules to apply these values?
  • Creating a strong synergy, at every level of the company

Benefiting from analyzing tools and audit

  • Online personal and collective questionnaires, interviews with each management team members in order to sharpen everyone’s demands and evaluate strengths and weaknesses for the team as well as each individual member – Sharpening individual and collective goals.


  • Determining the stakes on which to focus with the entire team
  • Understanding, integrating and applying 4S Methodology in order to ensure success for the management team
  • Defining values beyond words: setting application principles and rules to keep the values alive
  • Sharing the same goal, the same vision
  • Redefining the company’s 3 years strategic plan
  • Distributing roles and levels of responsabilities to each individual

Expected production

  • Determining strategic development areas, putting each one’s responsabilities into place, determining strengths and points to improve for the team and for each individual
  • Integrating all middle managers and allowing all teams to appropriate:
    • Vision, Stakes, Responsabilities, Values


Acteo Consulting’s fields of intervention:

  • Placing man at the center of the company’s organization
  • Uniting management teams and eradicate interpersonal difficulties
  • Generating motivation and commitment for each actor
  • Simplifying the task of determining the company’s vision based on 4 axes
  • Developing the company’s strategic vision by associating it with a strong culture
  • Defining a medium term strategy and its stakes, and  turning them into concrete operational goals
  • Involving the company in the value project: determining all actions meant to keep the company culture alive, at any moment and any level of the business life.
  • Highlighting high potentials
  • Stregthening high potentials
  • Training executive managers, executives, and sales representatives
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