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Allowing everyone to reach a higher level of growth. As experts in executive coaching, our coaches were trained in the best coaching schools, both in France and abroad. We coach directors and guide leaders and managers in their skill improvement. Taking new responsibilities or developing potential for an evolution of experience and ambitions. We have been a referenced partner for many years and our expertise in guiding clients is well known for its efficiency.


Our mission is to develop skills in terms of leadership, management and commercial management. Our programs are entirely personalized and defined especially for the training of directors, executives, and commercial executive. As experts in the rising of economic actors, we have a unique methodology that ensure a return on investments and allows a development of professional and interpersonal skills. Our certifying manager program is validated by paying agencies (Opca) and incorporated within the framework of the professionalization period.

Team building

Encouraging team growth. Sharing the same aims, goals and ambitions. Developing an efficient quality of communication and generating respect and trust. Our team coaching and team building techniques allow each individual to blossom, and the team to rise up to new challenges, all the while enjoying efficiency and sharing. Creating a strong synergy between manager team members and middle-managers.


Guiding companies to turn their vision into concrete results. Our consultants allow the direction team to set the strategy in action, at every level of the company. Implanting the company’s culture and values. Defining key stakes and turning them into goals. Sharing the same direction and the same vision, at every level of the company. Defining each one’s role and responsibilities. Especially needed in case of merger, significant change, evolution or development in terms of external or organic growth.


Boost your events and gatherings thanks to a dynamic and memorable conference about change, leadership and management. Thanks to their international experience, our speakers create a sense of energy, want and motivation for your teams and during your events. We have been experts in guiding companies towards change for 15 years. We offer practical, motivating and stimulating conferences. Laurent Tylski is a professional speaker and founder of the AFCP (French association for professional speakers).

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Partner of managers and their teams

Develop leadership and motivate leaders and their teams through the executive coach

We enable companies to accelerate the performance of executives, executives and salespeople so that they can help transform the vision of organizations into results, by acting concretely on skills and motivation.

For more than 15 years, Acteo professional coaches and leadership trainers have been the qualitative partners, agents of change for our clients.

Professionals of the accompaniment and the coach of leader we decline our specific know-how on the following axes on the following axes: The consulting in strategy, the Training of the Leader, the coach of the leader, the coaching of team & team building as well as the conferences.


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